1 | To develop better co-ordination, collaboration, joint participation, relations and understanding amongst various constituents of the rural sector for promoting welfare of the rural masses by eradicating thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease, poverty and by providing shelter and employment. |
2 | To assist and guide the members in obtaining financial and technical assistance for rural development programmes from the Government(s), governmental organisations, corporate sector, NRIs, financial and other specialised bilateral and multilateral regional and international institutions such as World Bank, UNDP, ADB etc. |
3 | To act as a channelising, monitoring and mentoring platform for effectively implementing programmes spread over a wider geographical area or programmes involving multitude of disciplines. |
4 | undertake capacity and quality appraisals of the constituent member NGOs, carry out periodical reviews and help them, in capacity building and performance enhancement so that they may contribute their best to the development of rural India . |
5 | To undertake integrated programmes for the upliftment and economic development of rural India and providing backward and forward linkages to the rural economy by allowing them access to the global technology, funds and market and for that purpose to set up commodity technology and rural stock exchanges. |
6 | To assist in the development of Self Help Groups (SHGs) of farmers including small and marginal farmers, artisans, labour including agricultural labour and other service providers with special emphasis on women, youth, differentially-abled and other disadvantaged sections for accelerating the pace of rural development. |
7 | To serve as a forum in association with professionals, research scientists, social scientists, reformists, technocrats, and agriculturists, to provide critical inputs on major issues, relevant to development of rural India and to seek appropriate representation on the various committees, bodies, delegations, teams etc. at the State, National and International level. |
8 | To serve as a forum for addressing growing concerns in the areas of Right to Information, transparency and other issues of collective interests and to take up these issues with the appropriate authorities. |
9 | To maintain a centralised pool of legal, technical, financial and management experts, advisors and professionals and in addition, professionals involved in the areas of subsidies, countervailing duties, issues relating to IPRs, geographical indications of goods, protection of plant varieties and farmers' rights, environment and other emerging frontiers of knowledge, in order to serve as a referral point for servicing the needs of desirous parties. |
10 | To organise and conduct such promotional and training programmes, entrepreneurial development programmes, executive development programmes, quality orientation programmes, refresher courses, lectures and seminars for the executives of voluntary organisations, volunteers and target groups and relevant to any of the fields of interest of the constituent members. |
11 | To undertake identification, development, adaptation and promotion of appropriate technologies, organise or assist in transfer of technology from national and international organisations and institutions engaged in or connected with any of the fields of interest to Confederation and arranging support services to the member organisations including technical guidance, training and skill up-gradation. |
12 | To mobilise necessary support and inputs and to contribute by suitable means at the time of natural calamities and undertake and participate in disaster management and rehabilitation. |
13 | To undertake, promote, facilitate, foster and co-ordinate, whether sponsored or otherwise, policy studies and research, economic and social research or technology initiatives in any of the areas concerning rural development, or having a bearing on any of such areas. |
14 | To facilitate international exchange and sharing of information and technology by organising or participating in workshops, exhibitions, conferences and seminars or by collaborating with or establishing mutual relations with organisations and institutions in India and abroad, connected with or having a bearing on the objectives of the Confederation. |
15 | To organise and participate in international and regional meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and produce literature and undertake publicity. |
16 | To initiate and carry out, directly or indirectly, whether of its own or sponsored or otherwise, studies on the subject of common interest, collect, analyse, interpret and disseminate data and information useful to members. |
17 | To undertake all such other lawful activities as may be incidental or conducive or ancillary to the attainment of the objectives of the Society. |
Ancillary Objectives
1 | With a view to promoting the foregoing objectives the Confederation shall have the following ancillary and incidental objectives: |
2 | to acquire by way of lease, sub-lease, licence, gift, purchase, exchange, hire or in any other manner, any movable or immovable properties and any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society and to construct, erect, alter, improve and maintain any building and to demolish or repair buildings and to manage, develop, sell, let, dispose of, mortgage, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the assets and rights of the Society with a view to achieving the objectives of the Society; |
3 | to accept grants of money, equipment, land, buildings, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other assistance from the Central Government or a State Government, international multilateral or bilateral funding agencies or from any other source and to conform to the conditions on which such grants, payments and assistance may be received, provided that no benefaction shall be accepted by the Society, which in its opinion involves conditions or obligations contrary to the objectives of the Society; |
4 | to undertake and accept the management of any endowment or trust or donations in furtherance of the objectives of the Society; |
5 | to establish, equip and maintain research centres, data banks, libraries, Institutes, organisations and such other facilities in India or abroad as are necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Society; |
6 | to set up study groups or consultative groups or core groups comprising of members of the Council or Society or outside experts for any specific issues or specific sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. |
7 | to establish, maintain, control and manage State or District or Local Chapters of the Society in India ; |
8 | to establish, maintain, control and manage branches and/or offices of the confederation in India or abroad, as may be considered necessary for effectuating the objects of the Confederation; |
9 | to levy fees or other charges for any services/facilities provided by the Society at rates specified by the Executive Council of the Society; |
10 | to prepare, print, publish, issue, acquire and circularise books, papers, periodicals, bulletins, exhibits, films, slides, video tapes, gazetteers, or circulars and engage in similar other undertakings dealing with or having a bearing on the objectives of the Society; |
11 | to co-operate with and to make representation to any department of the Government of India or any State Government or other Central or State authorities, organisations, Commissions, Councils etc. as well as International organisations, institutions or foreign authorities as may be deemed necessary in furtherance of the objectives of the Society; |
12 | to establish, promote, co-operate with, become a member of, act as, or appoint trustees, agents or delegates to control manage, superintend or otherwise assist any associations and institutions and other bodies in India or abroad engaged in any of the fields for which the Society is established; |
13 | to associate, affiliate or accredit or develop linkages with other national or international authorities, institutions and organisations engaged, directly or indirectly, in any of the fields for which this Confederation is established. |
14 | to negotiate contracts on behalf of the Society and vary and rescind such contracts; |
15 | to borrow, raise or secure the payment of any money on such terms and conditions and on such security as may be deemed fit and proper provided they are not inconsistent with the objectives of the Society; |
16 | to procure recognition for the Society vis-à-vis its objectives in India and abroad; |
17 | to procure the Society to be registered, legalised, domiciled or recognised in any country or place and to procure its incorporation/registration in a like character or as a company or otherwise in any country or place and to carry on its objectives or any portion of its main objectives in any country or place. |
18 | to depute and join in electing or nominating delegates, advisors, etc. to represent the Society on regional, national and international conferences, meetings, seminars and similar events; |
19 | to create affiliation and other classes of professional and technical membership of the Confederation and carrying such rights and obligations as may be decided by the Executive Council; |
20 | award fellowships, scholarships, prizes and medals towards recognition of talent and excellence in India and abroad; |
21 | to confer such honorary titles and distinctions to distinguished persons in India and abroad in recognition of their valuable contribution to the cause of the Confederation, as the Confederation may deem fit. |
22 | to enter into any arrangement with any Government, Governmental authority, Municipal or local authority or otherwise in India and abroad that may be conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Society and to obtain from any such authority rights, privileges and concessions which the Confederation may think desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply with such arrangement, rights, privileges and concessions; |
23 | to obtain such prerogatives, rights, privileges, licenses in India and abroad in relation to any new and useful invention respecting any art, process, method or manner of manufacture, machine, apparatus or other article or substance or any new or useful improvisation of any of them as a result of the Confederation's direct or indirect R&D activities and efforts, as may be decided by the Confederation; and |
24 | to do all such other lawful things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives. |